Our team has developed and refined a process to help successful people and entrepreneurs put all the pieces of the financial puzzle together. It’s a dynamic process that adapts and changes as their lives unfold and their needs evolve – we call it our D3 System.
What Are Your Goals?
Answering the Why
Our approach is to get to know each person. What are your goals? What are your fears? Then we help you answer the “why” question. If you know “why” we are developing your financial plan together and “why” we are making investments to help achieve your objectives, then you can handle anything that is happening in the market with peace. We build plans based on those goals that focus on maximizing returns while minimizing risk. We review and adjust as we go along — at the very least annually.
Understanding Risk
Is Critical to Success
We specialize in helping you understand risk and what risk means for you and your portfolio. To achieve this, we use a tool called “Riskalyze,” a two-step system that starts with a “Risk Tolerance Questionnaire,” a series of questions that measures your comfort level with risk and scores it as a number from 1 – 99. It then measures risk on every security in a portfolio, so we can make any adjustments needed to better align investments with the client’s risk tolerance.
D1 — Discover
D2 — Design
D3 — Deploy
Are Your Investments Thriving or Surviving?
Our firm offers annual tax planning as part of our comprehensive financial planning service. While often overlooked, robust tax planning is one of the most valuable pieces of a complete financial plan, and we are excited to offer it to you.